I'm not gonna lie. I know I'm hard and that but I am scared of a lot of things. Well that was before, now I'm barely scared of anything because through out my life I conquered a lot of my fears.
Let's start of with the dark. I use to be so scared of the dark, it was unbelievable. It was because I used to think there was some kind of demon hiding in the dark that would jump out and attack me. I was so scared that when I need a toilet in the middle of the night, I would stay awake all night trying to hold In my pee till the morning. Lol. Man that was hard. Anyway as I got older, I stopped believing about monsters, ghosts and demons so I don't the dark now ^^.
My next fear was needles. I hated needles. I even remember the time when I had an injection on my ass and that was years ago. It hurt me mentally and physically. Anyway, after like over 10 years of without having an injection I was forced to have injections before I went on my China trip. I nearly got away with it but my parents found out my cousin was having his injections so they forced me to have injections as well by booking me an appointment with my GP. Man I was dreading it as I arrived at my GP. I remember I was shaking my body around and jumping to relax myself to make myself not look like a pussy xD. Anyway when the nurse was about to put the needles in my arm I was like 'wait' lol. And I tensed my arm, shut my eyes and turned away. Lol. She jabbed the needle in my arm and was like it's gonna hurt if you don't relax so yeah I had to relax but the nurse was so damn nice! To help me get through the injections she distracted me by asking me questions and I didn't feel the pain. Hi5 to that woman! I want a tattoo as well, I wonder how well I would cope xD.
My final fear has got to be roller coasters and heights. I haven't really conquered those fears yet, well I have attempted xD. With height, well.. Lets say my family have a flat in Hong Kong and it's only the 29th floor, I never really look down and if I do, I feel drowsy. With roller coasters, well when I went to Drayton Manor and I went on storm force 10 because it seem not scary xD and yeah it was. Lol. Fucking deceiving bastards. There was a massive drop and I had to scream so that I wouldn't have that weird feeling on my stomach. Lol.
Anyway I blogged about taking risks because I know that everyone is scared of at least one thing. I don't have that much courage and I'm not really brave but I was able to conquer some of my fears through out my life. So who ever is reading this blog, maybe for your new years resolution it could be conquering your fears. You don't have to be big and brave to conquer fears, cause I ain't either of those. I'm hoping to go to Thorpe Park this year and go on some roller coasters, so who ever is scared of heights and roller coasters, come along and we can conquer our fears of heights and roller coasters together ^^.
Ahahaaa is that why you wouldn't come on the ride with me and Munwei?;D