Monday, 9 January 2012

Don't take criticism to heart

Not many people have faith in me. It's understandable because I'm like lazy, prickish and unreliable. It never really affected me when just my mates and other people don't believe in me, but for my dad to have no faith in me was the saddest moment in my life :(.

Through out my life, I haven't really tried at school or put in any effort.. I haven't really found any motives to do well at school. Every time when exams approaches I just quickly revise the night before and hope what I revised comes up in the test which has happened loads xD. So I'm really lucky to be honest to have okish grades even though I know I could've done way way better. Owell. Loads of people have called me thick and that, such as teachers and friends but I just ignore them and don't take it to heart cause I know myself I ain't thick.... I'm just lazy. Lol.

Next really is piano. I never tried at piano at all because I didn't really enjoy it and I found it hard so I was a slow learner. My parents are always like 'why you still having lessons for? its pointless' and 'I'm like you forced me' -.-. Before they used to laugh at how crap I played. But like 2 years ago, xD my cousin got me into enjoy playing piano. Before I used to play boring classical music which I never enjoyed but my cousin and stripeytofu showed me cool musics to play such as wedding dress and fairy tale etc, which I really enjoyed playing. Even though I stopped piano grading, I still play the piano frequently and enjoy playing it loads xP. Now my parents enjoy listening to me playing the piano xP. Btw lads, girls love it when guys can play the piano. Same with guitar that's why I learnt to play Hero by Enrique xP. Teehee.

Finally learning Chinese. I gave up learning Chinese way too easily cause I found it hard and I didn't enjoy learning it. My grandad always criticise me for not learning chinese. I guess in a way it's bad because I always want to have nice decent conversations with my grandparents but cause of my limited chinese, I can't :(. It's improving though and I'm learning it in university xP.

Anyway I want people to know that through out your life you are going to get criticised a lot and at first I thought people are dick heads and spiteful for doing it but then, to think about it, maybe your friends and family criticise you for a reason, maybe they do it to show that they care for you and to tell you in a mean way what you are doing wrong. I guess really people you shouldn't take criticism to heart because it'll just make you feel down beat. As long as you have faith in yourself then you'll do fine. Just like me when no one believed in me, I didn't really care because I've always had faith in myself xP.

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