Monday, 16 January 2012

Stripeytofu is the best

I never had any heroes in my life or anyone to look up to. But if I had to say someone I would say stripeytofu. He's the perfect example of someone who is wonderful, caring and funny. When I am down, I always go to him for help, even when I was at my lowest which was around early last year and when he isn't around, to cheer myself up, I would go and read his awesome blog.

Stripeytofu's blog is not only funny and entertaining but some of his posts are just god damn inspirational. Some of his posts just makes me go 'wow'. I never enjoyed reading before apart from reading the news on BBC or go on Wikipedia, but now, before I sleep, I go through every bodies blog and read, especially stripeytofu's. Actually sometimes I even read his blog over and over again so I can memorise it and on the next day I would recite it to him to show how dedicated I am to reading his blog.

Who ever is reading this post I do highly recommend everyone to follow stripeytofu's blog and read each post a hundred times. Believe me you would not get tired of reading his posts over and over again, if you do, you're just weird.

 Even if you have never met stripeytofu in real life, just by reading his blog you just know he is the most popular and awesome guy in the whole of Burntwood. No lie. I never lie. He is just god damn awesome.

I'm even going to admit he beats me by the number of views per minute, per hour, per day and even so far this year. Just by looking at the statistics it has already backed up my case showing how amazing stripeytofu's blog is. So guys do yourselves a favour now. Click on the link below and just follow this amazing person's blog. God bless him!

My hero