Friday, 20 January 2012

If I ever lose Stripeytofu

I can't predict the future. No one can. I don't know what will happen to me in like 5 or 10 years time. But the thing is, I know for a fact that I will never forget Stripeytofu even if I lose my memory. He's like the other half of me, without him I wouldn't be able to live a full life.

It all started in October half term when me, stripeytofu and my cousin went to HK with me dad. Well my dad wasn't with us like 9/10 of the time, it would've been nice to spend some quality time with him since I only get to see him for like an hour every day since I have to go to school during the day and he has to go to work during the evening. Anyway back to the point. Me, my cousin and stripey were in my flat. We were just resting after a long day of exploring and shopping and us guys, we just sat down on the sofa chatting and that. Whilst at the same time, stripeytofu was filming for his vlog. As you chinese readers should know, the 10 dollar note is suppose to be indestructible. However stripeytofu has proven the theory wrong. With his powerful strength, he barely flinched when he ripped the 10 dollar note into half. I was shock and at the same time impress with his sheer strength. Even when I tried to rip the 10 dollar note, the only thing I did to it was crease it. I wish I was as tonk as stripeytofu. I guess him eating all those tofu has given him a lot of strength. I'm gonna start eating tofu now xD.

I wasn't going off target in the last paragraph. Don't worry guys. Anyway now you guys know there are two halves of the 10 dollar note right. Well basically, me and stripeytofu thought of the idea of giving each other the ripped 10 dollar note. At first, I thought, are you gay? but then he explained that, what if one day, we split apart and somehow, one of us get plastic surgery or whatever and to know who we are, we have the 10 dollar note. lol It's like a love story, but it ain't. It's more like a bro story.

Isn't it beautiful
It's ripped :(


  1. hang on someone managed to rip the 10 dollars note?! me and my WHOLE SCHOOL were trying for like.. 2 years! and its still perfectly fine
