Sunday, 22 January 2012

What I want to do one day

It might sound gay to some of you guys. Some of you might laugh at me. Some of you might encourage me to do it. Well I don't care about your opinions! One day I want to go to some random remote village in China and learn karate for one year. I know it's unlikely to happen, but I think it'll be really cool to tell my children one day if I ever do that.

Instead of like learning karate once a week for like 8 years before you are able to achieve a black belt, I prefer to learn karate intensively for one whole year and be a G at it xD. I find learning something once a week is pointless because there's just not enough time to adapt and to learn a new skill. So yeah I just thought it'll be cool to go to China to learn karate for a year xP.

I know it's unlikely to happen because my parents will disagree with me, although they have threaten to send me to China for two years before xD. Also being away from family and friends for a year would be scary. So yeah, it's only likely for it to happen if I was like 'allow life in England' xD, which is unlikely to happen. Also I'm kinda lazy, after like a week or so I will be like to the geezers ' I need a break' and I can imagine em getting pissed off xD.


  1. karate's fucking japanese you fucking disgrace of a chinese XD

  2. i was just about to say as well..
    Karate is Japanese.... go japna -.-

  3. Exactly as they both said.
